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Condar Sampler


Summary of 101 Masonry Heater Emissions Tests
Norbert Senf and Alex Chernov
Lopez Labs, 2010
NYSERDA Biomass Heating R&D Program Case Studies
A treasure trove of woodburning research data
Masonry Heater White Paper

Prepared by: Bob Ferguson

Prepared for: The Masonry Heater Caucus HPBA, 2008

Summarizes existing North American emissions data on masonry heaters and argues the case for a class recogntion for masonry heaters as clean burning appliances

MHA Position Paper

outlines a consensus regulatory approach to masonry heater issues.

Short Course on Masonry Fireplace and Masonry Heater Emissions Testing Method and Combustion Design
at OMNI-Test Laboratories, Oct 24 - 25, 1991
reprint from Fall 1991 MHA News
3.5 Mb PDF file, 29 pages

Short Course on Masonry Heating Systems
by Norbert Senf
140 Kb PDF file

Real-life emissions from residential wood burning appliances in New Zealand
A.J. Scott, August 2005
Environment Canterbury, New Zealand
Review - particulate emissions from wood burners in New Zealand
by Emily Wilton, Environet Lts.
Prepared for the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand; December 2012
An Investigation of the Variability of Particulate Emissions from Woodstoves in New Zealand
Guy Coulson, Richard Bian, Elizabeth Somervell
Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2015
Emission Factors for New Certified Residential  Wood Heaters
by James Houck and Lyrik Pitzman
OMNI Environmental Services, (2008)
Residential Wood Combustion Technology Review
by James Houck and Paul Tiegs
800 Kb PDF file
Residential Wood Combustion Technology Review - Volume 2. Appendices
by James Houck and Paul Tiegs 
Emission Factors for New Certified Residential Wood Heaters
by James Houck and Paul Tiegs, 2006

Review of Wood Heater and Fireplace Emission Factors

by James Houck, John Crouch and Roy H. Huntley

Verification of Emission Factors for U.S. EPA Certified Wood Heaters

Omni-Test for Environment Canada, 2009

Design and Operating Factors Which Affect Emissions from Residential Wood-Fired Heaters: Review and Update
Paul Tiegs
OMNI Environmental Services

Discussion Regarding Reporting Units for Emissions from Residential Cord-wood Burning Space-heating Appliances
Paul Tiegs
OMNI Environmental Services
January 10, 1994 (revised February 1995)
paper is located at

Oregon's Woodstove Certification Program (1985)

The grand-daddy that started it all
Still amazingly relevant to understanding what is currently going on.

Woodstove Emission Measurement Methods: Comparison and Eimission Factors Update
Robert C. McCrillis and Dennis Jaasma, 1993
Summary Report of the In Home Emissions and Efficiency Performance of Five Commercially Available Masonry Heaters
Stockton G. Barnett
Omni Environmental Services
(Draft) April 15, 1992
(970 kb PDF file)
Field Performance of Woodburning Stoves in Crested Butte, Colorado
Dennis Jaasma, Mark Champion, Mahesh Gundappa, Robert C. McCrillis, 1993

Defining Masonry Heaters - A Discussion Paper

Norbert Senf
(23 pages, 67Kb Acrobat format)

Colorado Regulation No. 4

Incl: Test Method Protocols for Measuring Wood-Burning Masonry Heater Emissions

EPA Method 5G

Dilution tunnel sampling method

Air Requirements and Related Parameters for Masonry Heating Systems (online)
Norbert Senf
prepared for The Research Division, Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation, Ottawa, (1994)
Download (124 Kb PDF file)

Technical Assesment of Hi-Mass Masonry Heaters and Integrated Water Loop

Charles Zaloum, Natural Resources Canada
Norbert Senf, Masonry Stove Builders

R-2000 Makeup Air Guidelines

Investigation of Negative Pressure Test Protocols for Wood- and Pellet-Burning Appliances

Gulland Associates
prepared for The Research Division, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Ottawa, (2003)

Fireplace Air Requirements

ORTECH International, Scanada Consultants, Sheltair Scientific
prepared for The Research Division, Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation, Ottawa, (1989)
(1.0 Mb PDF file)

Modifications and Refinement of the Computer Model "Wood Burning Simulator"

Scanada Consultants, prepared for The Research Division, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Ottawa, (1987)
(1.5 Mb PDF file)

The Dynamics of Domestic Open Fires
by Prof. P.O. Rosin, 1939
The paper that's been an underground classic among fireplace masons for years. Well illustrated, recommended

28 pages. (3Mb PDF file)

The Flow of Gases in Furnaces (1923)

W.E. Groume-Grjimailo

Translated Russian classic on applying gas buyoancy laws to furnace design, as currently embodied in double bell heater construction.

Complete text, 399 pages

A Comparison of Fireplace Emissions Testing Methods
Norbert Senf
3 test methods were run simultaneously on open masonry fireplaces at McNear Brick in 1995.
(20 pages, 80Kb PDF file)

Recent Laboratory and Field Testing of Masonry Heater and Masonry Fireplace Emissions (online)
Norbert Senf
presented at 1994 Air and Waste Management Association

Very Low Emissions Cordwood Combustion in High Burn Rate Appliances - Early Results with Possible Implications
Norbert Senf
presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste
Management Association, San Antonio, 1995.  

The Hearth as an Element of the Sustainable House - A Comparison of Emission Test Methods for New Clean Burning Wood Fired Masonry Fireplaces (online)
Norbert Senf
to be presented at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Air and
Waste Management Association, Nashville, June 23-28 1996

Low Emissions Residential Cordwood Combustion in High Mass Appliances - Recent Research and Results
Norbert Senf
presented at Combustion Canada ’96 Conference,
Ottawa, June 5 - 7, 1996
Low Emisson and High Efficiency Residential Pellet-Fired Heaters
James Houck, Andrew Scott, Carol Purvis, Peter Kariher, John Crouch, Michael Van Buren

Design, Construction and Performance of Stick-Wood Fired Furnace

by Professor Richard Hill, University of Maine, 1979

Flue Gas Emissions in Wood Burning Stoves

Translation of 1985 Austrian study of PAH emissions from a Grundofen (masonry heater) and a conventional stove. Includes PAH analyses. Done by the government test lab for the Austrian stovemasons guild.
(Acrobat format, 900 Kb)

Condar Sampler

Determination of Condensible Particulate Woodstove Emission Factors Using Condar's Emissions Sampler
by Stockton Barnett
2.4 Mb PDF file.
Calibration of 4 Condar Portable Dilution Tunnels 
Cold Climate Housing Research Center, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2007

Canterbury method 1 for testing of ultra-low emission wood heaters
         Environment Canterbury, New Zealand, 2015

Real-life Emissions Testing of Pellet Burners in Tokoroa
Ministry of the Environment, New Zealand, 2007

Real-life Emissions Testing of Wood Burners in Tokoroa
Ministry of the Environment, New Zealand, 2007

Real Life Emissions Testing of Pre 1994 Woodburners in New Zealand
Environment Waikato,  New Zealand , 2006

Real-life emissions from residential wood burning appliances in New Zealand
          A.J. Scott, Environment Canterbury, 2005

Condar Comparison Testing at OMNI-Test

OMNI-Test Laboratories, 2013

Oregon's Woodstove Certification Program


<<back Miscellaneous
Fireplaces: Studies in Contrasts
A.C.S. (Skip) Hayden, P.Eng
(Paper is located at HearthNet)
A whole house simulator that includes woodburning combustion devices, written for the Research Division of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) in the 1980's. Very cool.

Strawbale Moisture Sensor Study
archived for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Division of Building Research



This page last updated on  March 14, 2021