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2010 Heater Fuel Crib Tests at Shawville

Test HK-L05
January 12/10

Warm heater. Crib of very dry spruce. Larger crib than L03/L04
3.75 lbs kindling. 51.6 lbs total instead of 39 lbs.
Efficiency is calculated at 95% oxygen recovery (Colorado method).
Stack temperature corrected for height.
2x4 lumber from a new batch from a different supplier (local Home Hardware),
used for tests L05-L12

Animation HK-K
Animation, 2 minute intervals.

gas analysis
Flue gas.

TESTO Excel data file


Condar Spreadsheet Results
Condar Spreadsheet Results

Condar Spreadsheet (includes detailed fueling data)

lopez labs fueling
First row of crib. It would not fit through the firebox door in this orientation and was turned 90 degrees.
This resulted in all the air being introduced under the crib.

lopez labs fueling
Fuel load.

OMNI calculator
Screen shot from OMNI fuel crib calculator.

This page was updated on February 7, 2010
This page was created on January 17, 2010