Test HK-H18
March 10/07
Large maple. Medium warm heater. 49lbs
Previous fire: 36 hours.
Grate air closed. Ashbox door open (similar to old HeatKit air)
Slow start after kindling burned.
Low opacity (particulates), medium CO, medium efficiency.
For a lukewarm heater with this air supply, the fuel was too large for
the load size. A better burn would be had with smaller fuel, or more fuel.
Animation, 2 minute intervals.
Flue gas analysis
Ohm reading: 250 start, 261 finish. Likely 11 ohm drift from deposit on the mirror, or lamp fading.
At 24 minutes, reading was 273 ohms, and a very slight amount of blue smoke was visible from chimney exit.
At 34 minutes, reading was 265 ohms, and no smoke was visible.
Fuel Load
This page was updated on
March 11, 2007
This page was created on March 10, 2007