Test HK-H11
March 01/07
Small maple . 19% moisture (estimated)
9pieces, stacked 3221. Left side ignition.
Cold heater. Damper left open since last night.
New prototype air system - modified Frishch-Rosin - two one inch pipes (photo to follow)
It didn't make much difference at the end of the burn. At the beginning, it was a good way to
generate smoke (see graphs, where air system was switched in briefly a few times, shown by the big flue temperature dips)
Animated Gif below, taken at 2 minute intervals.
Opacity normalized to a 1 - 100 scale. Not directly comparable with graphs prior to HK-H09.
Experimental air system, based on the Frisch Rosin system for fireplace (two 1" pipes). In this case,
the location of the two inlets is changed as shown.
Flue gas analysis
Large dips in flue temperature correspond to prototype air system. Huge opacity spikes for first two (see below),
Only small spikes later.
The flashlight from HK-H09 has been replaced with a 50 watt halogen bulb.
Ohm readings off CdS sensor normalized to 0 - 100% opacity.
Fuel Load
This page was updated on
March 4, 2007
This page was created on March 1, 2007