Pyromasse Home PageNEWS: Posted 17 May 2009

Version française

Status Of The Masonry Heater In Quebec.- Ministery of Sustainable Developement, Environment and Parcs Quebec. May 2009

On 09-05-13, at 08:04, <> wrote:

Développement durable,
Environnement et Parcs

Dear Sir,

In a masonry heater consisting of several tonnes of brick or stone, the wood burns rapidly until the fire goes out. The heat that has been accumulated during the fire continues to radiate from the mass for numerous hours.

Masonry heaters are excluded from PRACB (Wood Burning Appliance Regulatory Project)as they are site built. Article 1 of PRACB specifies that " The present regulation is applicable to all stoves, furnaces, boilers, prefabricated inserts."

Also, norms CSA and USA EPA to which the PRACB ruling refer, are not applicable to masonry heaters, which have no need of an exemption certificate.

A text of the regulation can be found at the following address

Carol Gagné, ing., M.Sc.

Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs
Direction des politiques de la qualité de l'atmosphère
Édifice Marie-Guyart, 5e étage
675, boulevard René-Lévesque Est
Québec (Québec) G1R 5V7

Téléphone: 418-521-3813, poste 4594
Télécopieur: 418-646-0001

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