Pyromasse: Loire Atlantique #3 : Field Notes 2006

The images here illustrate certain points of interest during a project in the Loire Valley. A full core construction sequence is detailed in Refractory Core Construction Sequence. 2006

The core would have an upper chamber oven and active bench on three sides.

Detail: Active bench-chimney-bypass connection.

Materials used were

Bony BN40N
International format (9 inch)
42 Percent AlSo2

Refractory mortar:
HTC Refracol 1

Refracol Cast 1380/10

TC Superwool 607 max 128 13 1362T

See Also: Materials

My place of abode during the project.

The core seen here was built to accommodate an active bench running from the back of the left side channel, across the front to the chimney at rear of the right side channel. Just before the chimney there would be a by pass channel, allowing the heater to flow directly into the chimney, rather than take the longer route through the bench.
The bench itself would be layed by the client during the facing of the core. What needed to be done was build an 'out' opening in to the back of the left side channel and a two way transmission tunnel on to which the chimney would be connected at the base of the right side channel.

A course of clay brick are layed, on to which will be built the chimney connection and bypass opening.

Brick layed dry with the bypass plate in place. The opening top right is to the chimney.
Bottom left to the bench. Top left, directly to left manifold through the by pass channel.
Small opening bottom right allows cleaning access.

The walls of the transmission tunnel before closing.
The custom made stainless steel bypass plate and operating handle are locked in place.

Looking through the clean out opening in to the (open) bypass channel and rear manifold of the heater.
Note the stainless steel bar onto which the bypass plate rests when in the closed position.
Note the castable refractory concrete slab used to close the tunnel.

The bypass plate in closed position.
This will force the flue gases to be pulled through the bench.

The completed two way connection. The tunnel is bridged at the point of intersection, by a castable refractory slab cast to measure the day before.
The chimney will be built on to the opening against the wall. The handle of the bypass plate will pass through the bench, being operated from the outer facade at the base of the bench.

View through the under hearth channel of the oven. Here ceramic wool has been used as a smoke gasket.

View inside the upper combustion chamber, above the oven, showing the capping slabs and the ceramic wool gasket.
This picture shows only two of three slabs used to close the core, i.e. taken before the third slab was installed.

The use of the bypass in this situation is only to bypass the bench. When open the heater will function as a heater with out bypass.
I.e. the gases will travel the full length of the heater's smoke path before entering the chimney.

The completed project, after being faced by the client.

Last updated 27 Feb 2007

Articles by Marcus Flynn

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