Sorted by Mason's Name
First | Last | Company | State\Prov | ZIP | Area Code | Voice | Fax | Address | Town | |
John | Allen | Kingdom Masonry, Inc. | CO | 80012 | kingdommasonryinc(at) | 303 | 591.4685 | 15067A East Louisiana Drive | Aurora | |
Chris | Art | Art's Masrony | ON | L4R 4K6 | 705 | 527.8102 | Midland | |||
Paul | Barkey | ON | L0E 1E0 | 705 | 432.2741 | RR #2 | Cunnington | |||
Dan | Bellino | NY | 13032 | jbellino1(at) | 315 | 264.4330 | Canastota | |||
Allan | Brough | Fireside Masonry Ltd. | ON | K9X 6X4 | abrough(at) | 705 | 927.6004 | 2226 Preston Rd, RR 3 | Peterborough | |
Jimmy Jr. | Brown | Georgia Custom Stone Inc | GA | 30523 | the_rockdoc(at) |
678 | 859.1896 | Habersham | ||
Steve | Bushway | Deer Hill Masonry | MA | 01026 | sbushway(at) | 413 | 634.0029 | 634.5085 | 224 West St. | Cummington |
Sheldon "Buzzy" | Cosco | - | ON | P8T 1J8 | rscosco(at) | 807 | 737.3332 | - | Box 3095 | Sioux Lookout |
Dann |
Carnes | Fireplace Editions | NC | 27510 |
dann(at) |
919 | 968.8101 | 969.8353 | 102 West Main St. |
Carrboro |
Amory | Cheney | Cheney Construction | OR | 97702 | cheney(at) | 541 | 317.5891 | 317.0168 | 60395 Arnold Market Drive | Bend |
Alex | Chernov | Stovemaster | ON | L0N 1A0 | alex_stovemaster(at) | 416 | 708.8139 | 20655 Shaws Creek Road | Alton | |
Colin | Coveny | - | ON | K7C 3P3 | - | 613 | 257.4783 | 257.8054 | Box 147 | Carlton Place |
Dale | Demary | Great Lakes Landmark, LLC | NY | 12912 | (at) |
518 | 569.1220 | 569.1220 | 15 Waltons Circle | Au Sable Forks |
Joel | Dick | QC | J0X 3G0 | jdontario(at) | 613 | 862.7576 | - | 263 Wakefield Heights | Wakefield | |
Jerry | Dittman | MI | 49746 | 989 | 742.7055 | 107 John Arthur Street | Hillman | |||
Richard | Dakin | Richard Dakin, stonemason | BC | V0S 1E0 | - | 604 | 537.4216 | - | Box 112 | Ganges |
William | Davenport | Turtle Rock Stonemasonry | VT | 05602 | info(at) | 802 | 793.9910 | - | P.O. Box 110 | Plainfield |
Richard | Doull | - | NS | B4C 1H2 | - | 902 | 865.2185 | - | 56 Raymond Dr. | Lower Sackville |
Max | Edleson | Firespeaking | OR | 97430 | max(at) | 541 | 294 5232 | 91040 Nelson Mtn. Rd. | Deadwood | |
Bruce | Farrell | ON | K0L 1Z0 | 705 | 778.7579 | cell 875.5745 | RR 3 | Havelock | ||
Steve | Ficken | Fred P. Ficken Masonry | PA | 18458 | - | 717 | 296.8568 | - | RR 2, Box 2176 | Shohola |
Dan | Fisher | Specialty Contractors | PA | 17506 | - | 717 | 354.4960 | - | P.O. Box 304 | Blue Bell |
Marcus | Flynn | Pyromasse | QC | H2W 1S9 |
contact(at) | 514 | 844.9824 | 843.5331 | 4057 Ave. de l'Esplanade, Apt 2 | Montreal |
Rob | Foster | Galiano Masonry | BC | V0N 1P0 | galiano_masonry(at) | 250 | 539.5938 | C5 S19 | Galiano | |
Jerry | Frisch | Lopez Quarries | WA | 98203 | lopezquarries(at) | 425 | 353.8963 | 742.3361 | 111 Barbara Lane | Everett |
Doug | Fry | Fry Masonry Construction | MI | 49091 | - | 269 | 651.9289 | 651.9289 | 66605 N. Lakeview | Sturgis |
Ron | Gauthier | MI | 48740 | 989 | 724.5095 | 530 N. US 23 | Harrisville | |||
Mike | Gilmore | Gilmore Masonry | SK | S6H 7K8 | gilmore(at) | 306 | 692.2058 | cell 630.9116 | PO Box 1825 | Moose Jaw |
Peter | Gielen | NS | B0E 1B0 | 902 | 674. 2886 | St. Ann's | ||||
Scott | Goodman | NY | 14543 | goodman_s_r(at) | 585 | 533.2212 | - | 30 Stony Brook Rd. | Rush | |
Bob | Goode | B. Goode Tile and Stone | MI | 49721 | - | 231 | 238,4858 | - | 260 M33 | Cheboygan |
Bob | Gossett | Bob Gossett Masonry Design | WA | 98908 | - | 509 | 966.9683 | - | 8204 Midvale Rd. | Yakima |
Alan | Gossett | Alan Gossett Masonry | WA | 98445 | - | 206 | 537.6077 | - | 11818 Golden Given Rd. E. | Tacoma |
George | Gough | Gough Masonry Ltd. | ON | P6A 6J8 | gough(at) | 705 | 253.4314 | 945.148 | 834 Old Garden River Road | Sault Ste. Marie |
Bob | Hart | Hart Construction | CO | 81147 | hartsretreat(at) | 970 | 264.0110 | 264.0120 | 2297 Hwy 84 | Pagosa Springs |
Gary | Hart | Aaron's Ltd., Alternative Energy | MO | 63049 | aaronltd(at) | 636 | 677.4036 | 3413 High Ridge Blvd. | High Ridge | |
Jerry | Haupt | Kent Valley Masonry | WA | 98038 | KVMMasonry(at) | 206 | 432.0134 | 413.1771 | 23631 S.E. 216th St. | Maple Valley |
Howard | Hobbs | Homestead Masonry | BC | V0K 1V0 | howardhobbs(at) | 250 | 256.4521 | 256.4499 | Box 1342 | Lillooet |
Stan | Homola | Mastercraft Masonry | WA | 98674 | stan_homola(at) | 360 | 225.5699 | 225.5699 | P4800 N.W. 411th Circle | Woodland |
Doug | Hren | Masonry Heater Design House | MI | 49060 | mhdh(at) | 269 | cell 598-5831 |
14310 E. C Ave | Hickory Corners | |
Ben | Hurd | Missouri Stove and Chimney | MO | 65753 | - | 417 | 278.3320 | 278.3939 | P.O. Box 307 | Sparta |
Ken | Johnston | Johnston Masonry | MN | 55804 | info(at) | 218 | 525.7278 | 525.1082 | 2270 Lismore Road | Duluth |
Tommy | Jolicoeur | BC | V1L 2V5 | 250 | 354.9105 | 60 View St. | Nelson | |||
Pierre | Joncas | QC | G0C 2L0 | darguil(at) | 418 | 385 | 3717 | 1319 road 132 East | Percé | |
David | Keller | ON | K0K 1X0 | 613 | 922.8399 | 92 Brant St. | Deseronto | |||
Derek | Kowalchuk | Fiddlerock Masonry | AB | T5P 4C7 | service(at) | 780 | 203.4410 | 10434-166 Street NW | Edmonton | |
Walter | Kelly | Fire and Stone Masonry | PA | 17821 | | 570 | 275.2619 | - | 190 Columbia Road | Danville |
Tim | King | King Masonry | BC | V9P 1Z4 | timking(at) | 250 | 240.1361 | 896 Fishermans Circle | Parksville | |
Mark | Klein | Gimme Shelter Construction | WI | 54406 | gimme(at) | 715 | 824.7200 | 677.4289 | P.O. Box 176 | Amherst |
Brian | Klipfel | Amazin' Masons | NJ | 08844 | Brian(at) | 908 | 420.0149 | 12 Hiland Dr | Hillsborough | |
Udo | Kohrmann | Keystone Ceramics | PQ | J0X 3G0 | keystoneceramics(at) | 819 | 459.8000 | - | 25 Ch. Valley | La Peche |
Jeff | Kuczmarski | Jeff Kuczmarski Masonry | WI | 54501 | 715 | 282.5386 | 6695 Holly Dr. | Rhinelander | ||
Alvin | Kuepfer | Masonal Stone Inc. | ON | N0K 1M0 | hasenpflug(at) |
866 | STONE-08 | - | RR 1 | Milverton |
Glenn | Luse | PA | 17701 | gluse(at) | 570 | 971.9330 | 494.1869 | 1695 Log Run Rd. | Williamsport | |
Jim | Mahon | Jim Mahon Masonry | PQ | J0X 2C0 | - | 819 | 422.3375 | 459.3296 | RR 2 | Low |
Tom | Mains | Tom Mains Masonry | OR | 97448 | 541 | 998.6838 | 911 Alvadore Rd. | Junction City | ||
J. Patrick | Manley | Brick Stove Works | ME | 04574 | jpmanley(at) | 207 | 845.244 | 845.2440 | 15 Nelson Ridge South | Washington |
Ted | Mason | Masonry Construction Col | PA | 19426 | 23 N. Grange Ave. | Collegeville | ||||
Don | McCullough | Maçonnerie McCulough Inc. | PQ | J0V 1J0 | donalddmcc133(at) | 819 | 242.6482 | 242.6138 | 239 Principale | Grenville |
John | McDougall | Natural North Energies | ON | K7H 3M9 | jmc(at) | 613 | 267.0077 | 267.2595 | PO Box 2042 | Perth |
Tom | McKernan | McKernan Stone Masonry | NY | 12939 | atmckernan(at) | 518 | 327.3223 | 327.9381 | PO Box 77 | Gabriels |
David R. | Moore | MTC Construction | MD | 21740 | moore(at) | 301 | 797.4137 | - | 19606 Cool Hollow Road | Hagerstown |
Larry | Moore | Heritage Stoneworks | ON | larrymoore2433(at) | Huntsville | |||||
Eric | Moshier | Solid Rock Masonry | MN | 55803 | eric(at) | 218 | 343.2978 | 721.5244 | 5347 Howard Gnesen Road | Duluth |
Jean-David | Morneau | PQ | J5W 3A1 | jmorneau5(at) | 450 | 589.6571 | - | 360, rue Dorval | L'Assomption | |
Martin | Palmer | Stone Masonry & Heater Builders Ltd. | NF | A1C 3M9 | pinemartino(at) | 709 | 726.4072 | - | 19 Colonial Street | St. John's |
Martin | Pearson | Stone Comfort Fireplace Gallery | MA | 02762 | mpearson3(at) | 508 | 699.5038 | - | P.O. Box 2201 | Plainville |
Doug | Phelps | NH | 03602 | dougpco(at) | 603 | 756-4826 | Alstead | |||
Ron | Pihl | Cornerstone Masonry | MT | 59065 | radiant(at) | 406 | 333.4383 | - | Box 83 | Pray |
Dan | Pike | Old World Masonry Heat | NY | 12901 | OlWorldMas(at) | 518 | 561.1924 | - | 9 Nichols Ave. | Plattsburgh |
Carol | Pineault | Refraco | PQ | G7H 1E3 | 418 | 818-0267 | 1465 rue Des Erables | Chicoutimi | ||
Thomas | Price | Ash Masonry | VT | 05404 | woodystoves(at) | 802 | 655.9018 | - | 20 W. Canal St. #414 | Winooski |
Christopher | Prior | Adirondack Chimney Co. | NY | 12850 | - | 518 | 882.6091 | 882.6091 | 2315 Rte. 29 | Middle Grove |
Frank | Pusatere | Colonial Associates Inc. | NY | 10520 | - | 914 | 271.6078 | - | 48 Radnor Ave. | Croton on Hudson |
Sieg | Ramerth | Riverstone Masonry Inc. | ON | N4S 7K2 | 519 | 537.6591 | 537.6804 | 188 Belgrave St. | Woodstock | |
Jean | Robertson | PQ | J0X 2G0 | cell: 613.294.1414 | 819 | 455.9370 | 70 Allen | Luskville | ||
Patrick | Rokas | Ramoneur Patrick | PQ | J0L 1H0 | patrickrokas(at) | 450 | 247.2131 | 890, route 219 | Hemmingford | |
John | Rousseau | Red Clay Construction Inc. | PEI | C0A 1B0 | john(at) | 902 | 962.3363 | 962.3363 | RR 1, Mount Vernon | Belle River |
Marty | Saunders | Marty's Masonry | BC | V0H 1Z6 | debrurka(at) | 250 | 486.2653 | Summerland | ||
Hans | Schneider | ON | N1H 4R6 | hans_g_schneider(at) | 519 | 400.6840 | 22 Queen St. | Guelph | ||
Norbert | Senf | Masonry Stove Builders | PQ | J0X 2Y0 | mheat(at) | 819 | 647.5092 | 647.6082 | RR 5, 25 Brouse Rd. | Shawville |
Mark | Seymour | Radiant Hearth, Inc | NY | 13668 | | 315 | 600.6301 | 24 Tanner Rd. | Norwood | |
Sam | Soupal | S & S Masonry | AB | T4N 5H2 | - | 403 | 343.0440 | - | Box 826 | Red Deer |
Peter | Spitzer | Spitzer Contracting | BC | V0N 1H0 | spitz(at) | 604 | 898.2389 | 898.2382 | Box 352 | Brackendale |
Richard | Stein | Masonart | TN | 37212 | - | 615 | 300.0374 | - | 1515 Kirkwood Ave. | Nashville |
Roland | St. Louis | stone carver | PQ | J0E 1H0 | 450 | 532.2707 | 420, route 220 | Bonsecours | ||
Don | Sutyla | Rock Pit | AB | T4N 5H2 | - | 403 | 342.2210 | - | - | Red Deer |
David | Thomen | Thomen's Masonry | TN | 38570 | worm8(at) | 931 | 397.2150 | 823.6904 | 680 Campground Rd. | Livingston |
Michael | Thronson | Michael Thronson Masonry | VT | 05602 | thronsonmasonl(at) | 802 | 498.5757 | 48 Prospect St. | Montpelier | |
Tom | Trout | Vesta Masonry Stove Inc. | NC | 28714 | - | 704 | 675.5247 | 675.5666 | 373 Old Seven Mile Ridge Rd. | Burnsville |
David | Troyer | Cornerstone Construction | OH | 43037 | 740 | 398.6447 | PO Box 13 | Martinsburg | ||
Kim | Wilde | Wilde Company | ID | 83404 | | 208 | 420.9966 | 13666 South First East | Idaho Falls | |
Robert | Weaver | Robert Weaver Masonry | PA | 17560 | rweaver(at) | 717 | 786.1150 | 786.8318 | 44 Truce Rd. | New Providence |
Matt | Weissflog | ON | L0L 2J0 | stoneweissflog(at) | 705 | 549.0317 | 321-6035 cell | 8 Kingfisher Cresc. | Perkinsfield | |
Doug | Wood | Wood Masonry | VT | 05075 | doug.wood![]() |
802 | 785.2962 | PO Box 254 | Thetford Center | |
John | Zamkotowicz | Amazin' Masons | NJ | 08844 | amazinmsns(at) | 908 | 256.1724 | 281.5750 | 54 Hamilton Rd. | Hillsborough |
Last Updated: April 20, 2019
Contact: Norbert Senf