Pyromasse Home PageBy Marian Ozabal

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Contraflow heaters and cookstoves by Slovak stove-builder Marian Ozabal. (stavitelozabal [at] gmail [dot] com)

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Contraflow stove with heated bench, faced in magnesite brick. Recycled hardware approximately 50 years old. Inlayed fragments of antique stove tiles.

Hybrid contraflow/bell heater and cookstove

North American style contraflow stove with white upper chamber oven and heated platform.
Assistance from: Mirian Blahut

Small, single skinned contraflow with warming recess in the upper chamber.

Cookstove with white oven.
Assistance from: Mirian Blahut.

North American contraflow with white oven and heated bench. Reclaimed ceramic and clay plaster finish.

Teplushka in Skalica.

The teplushka with an RWA connected to the bell. The RWA is used during mild temperature.

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