Project St. Laurent: 18th century house

The house pictured below was built on the north shore of The St. Lawrence Seaway in 1724. Though it has been extended it still stands on its original foundation and has never been restacked.

outdoor oven
The Finish Style Contraflow heater was built onto a specially adapted footing and foundation, which straddled the juncture of the original and the extended foundation of the dwelling. Though this placed the heater in the dead centre of the house, it also caused a considerable height restriction due to code clearances to the super structure of the original house.

delapidated oven
The heater was faced in a recycled white clay brick first layed in the 1890s on the Mount Royal Plateau. The castings are by Upo of Finland.

outdoor oven
In order to respect the super structure of the original house, the chimney had to be built 4" back from the heater. Though an act of necessity, it does allow heat evacuation of the rear wall of the heater.

domestic oven
After completion of the heater and chimney, the remaining bricks were used to face a Panyol prefabricated oven core. In the extant deeds of the house, the original occupant agrees to sell on condition that he can return once per week and bake. The original oven was built inside the house but now only its' past location is known. Though made in France and installed in the garden, the construction of the Panyol oven was inspired by this original document.

masonry cooking range
The oven's loading opening and smoke hood during firing.

Marcus Flynn

Montreal, April 2002

Articles by Marcus Flynn

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