Observations 15 years later

These images document the condition of an American style contraflow masonry heater built in Quebec fifteen years ago. The stove has been fired daily for fifteen seasons, often with 2 fires. The fire is fed with overair.

The fire box is formed from medium duty brick layed flat, and is lined with FNS high duty splits. The splits have cracked and degraded though they are still in place. The liner acts only as a shield to protect the wall behind from gas attack and would only have to be replaced if any of the brick fell or completely disintegrated. Replacement of the liner would be relatively easy.

Note: The back corners of the door jambs of the facing are not shielded, and have not broken off.

The unshielded angle bar lintel and rear wall of the fire tube are in good condition.

Seven corbelled courses of the fire box ceiling before the ovens under hearth channel, and the ovens rear slab resting on two support brick.

View up the fire tube towards the capping slabs. Note the paper gasket between the ovens hearth, and rear slabs (in the shadow).

Detail: Showing the hot edge, of the paper gasket in good condition (parallel, and close to top of the screen). The gasket is a piece of 2.5 inch wide, one eighth thick, ceramic paper. Vesuvius Roalboard.

Marcus Flynn


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